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Old Jun 13, 2006, 09:37 PM // 21:37   #1
Frost Gate Guardian
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Default Chapter 3

Here is a list of links providing info on the 3rd installment of Guild Wars.

Lots of interesting information including the two new classes (a dual-bladed staff wielder, and what seems to be an unarmed brawler). Also, what seems to possibly a warrior riding on horse-back.

If you have any other links concerning Guild Wars Chapter 3 please post them in this thread.

I will be adding more links to this post as people provide them.

Last edited by Halc yon; Jul 11, 2006 at 06:10 PM // 18:10..
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 02:11 AM // 02:11   #2
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Originally Posted by Halc yon
Lots of interesting information including the two new classes (a dual-bladed staff wielder, and what seems to be an unarmed brawler). Also, what seems to possibly a warrior riding on horse-back.
got any proof of these pics i would love to see them, (soz if there in the link i never saw them)
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 02:15 AM // 02:15   #3
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I don't see why they would release two melee classes. The unarmed man has to be some sort of spell caster.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 04:34 AM // 04:34   #4
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The wesbites say that the theme of GW chapter 3 will be based on North African, Egyptian and Middle Eastern culture. That is VERY cool indeed
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 06:21 AM // 06:21   #5
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Having good graphics is one thing.
Having a good story yet another.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 07:22 AM // 07:22   #6
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Well we do need another melee class, but the name is awsome 'NightFall' If it is going to be called that.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 09:57 AM // 09:57   #7
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The guy with the double-bladed staff thing could be a spear-fighter. Halberds, Polearms, Spears and whatnot are his specialty.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 10:24 AM // 10:24   #8
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Thanks for this, Id never actually read some of this stuff before..

some interesting points I noted...

[1] Each campaign will also support an entirely new tournament event.

cooolies.. would love some speculation on this

[2] "One was an enormous flat worm-like beast rearing up from under the sand that dwarfed the warrior on a horse that fought it. "


[3] "There were only two sketches of the new professions shown, one being a white robed woman wielding a wicked looking double bladed staff, and an unarmed bald monk-like man, possibly a bare-knuckle combat class."

two new proffesions??.. yay.. we are getting a karate kid
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 10:34 AM // 10:34   #9
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All this crazy talk of Mounts may soon be coming true. WoW anyone?
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 11:00 AM // 11:00   #10
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I'm riding on a Charr!
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 11:06 AM // 11:06   #11
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Originally Posted by RTSFirebat

All this crazy talk of Mounts may soon be coming true. WoW anyone?
hehe... I wouldnt bet on it!

when we saw the factions videos everyone thought.. OMG look at the size of the pet DRAGON!

when actually it features in only the saltspray map, and its pretty shit has to be said..

so this concept art of a warrior on a mount may just be a feature in one itty bitty mission in a corner of the game that has no impact, and the mount would probably be shit and you have to save it or something.

ANET have a way of doing this.. describing something in a way which implies a feature that everyone gets excited about, only to be let down.

Alliance battles for example...what a bare faced lie that turned out to be, we were expecting battles between our alliances, not battles between factions.

so for chapter 3 I am going to be VERY pesasmistic(sp?).. im dis-illusioned with ANET's speel and hype.. if its my one wish about C3 is that they are honest an up front.

btw, is it time for a C3 forum yet ? xD
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 01:26 PM // 13:26   #12
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For some reason I don't think I want to see a bare knuckled brawler. I can't seem to think of any special skills that he could have that isn't reminiscent of a Hammer warrior (ie. blunt attacks). Oh well, only time will tell I would like to see some sort of shape-shifter or something along that line.

As for mounts, well maybe chapter 3 can make a use for them but IMO I think they would be useless in Chpts 1 & 2. Hmmm, I just got struck with an idea. Maybe they could make a new class profession be a person or something already mounted on a steed of some sort. Its attacks could be both steed and rider types. Like one skill could be a Rearing Kick where the steed rears up and pummels enemies with its hooves. An attack from the rider could be like a Flail Smash where the rider swings its flail down to crush an enemies head. This could be cool as a new profession. Maybe the character would be a small, pygmy type guy and since its an "African" setting you could pick your steed in character creation and you could pick from, say, a Rhino or Elephant or Lion or heck even a Giraffe type creature. You could even give this class some party buff spells.

Last edited by beanerman_99; Jun 14, 2006 at 01:36 PM // 13:36..
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 01:28 PM // 13:28   #13
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I would prefer to not have another melee class. There are still people that cant use an assassin worth a shit and give them a bad rap. the last thing we need is another class to portray the "leroyism" of melee chars at the current moment.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 01:38 PM // 13:38   #14
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If you don't have melee what would you have? More spell casters? Not that I don't agree with what you say, just seems that most RPG's have only 2 types of characters: melee and spell casting. What kind of neew spell caster would you have? I would think it would be hard for Anet to keep coming up with new, fresh skills for either class that aren't just repeats of whats already in the game. I don't envy them trying to make new things
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 01:42 PM // 13:42   #15
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Im still very suprised that we are to expect TWO new classes..

If it carries on at this rate, this time next year we will have over 12 classes!!

I wonder how they plan to keep diversity in it, otherwise we are gona end up with silly 'Custard thrower' classes :-/
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 01:43 PM // 13:43   #16
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another link ID=82&bhcp=1
In a short trailer, we saw monsters that resemble African animals such as elephants and hippopotami, but with a fantasy twist.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 01:46 PM // 13:46   #17
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Originally Posted by Snowman
very suprised that we are to expect TWO new classes..
Each release will sport two new professions only available to players who own those expansions
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 02:05 PM // 14:05   #18
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as far as mounts go......................................

you see an NPC on a mount get squashed by the giant worm and then you have to fight the worm on foot.
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 02:13 PM // 14:13   #19
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Originally Posted by Ninna
Fair enough xD

I guess in 3 years time we will have 20 classes to pick from !.... YAY
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Old Jun 14, 2006, 06:52 PM // 18:52   #20
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Originally Posted by Snowman
Fair enough xD

I guess in 3 years time we will have 20 classes to pick from !.... YAY
But only 8 in any given chapter. And all but 6 will be niche classes that supposedly won't keep growing in future chapters, so they will keep doing just whatever niche roll they started with while the core 6 keep expanding with more ways to fulfill their rolls.

I think it will all work out nicely, but then again I like having a lot of choices available.
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